Member-only story
Making Sense of 2020
The new year evokes different emotions among us. While some people believe in the power of new beginnings, others do not like to attach any significance to it. Nevertheless, it does gain considerable attention. It is even special this time, given the history of the past year. 2020 was an unprecedented and weird year. Despite the adversity, we held on to each other and found the strength to go forward. 2020 was all about discovering that sunshine of positivity amidst the dark clouds, finding happiness in the most unexpected places. Here are some thoughts that lingered on my mind throughout the year.
Power of Privilege
“Privilege is invisible to those who have it.”
2020 made us realise the importance of privilege. We witnessed a shutdown like never before — workplace, educational institutions, shops closed down, forcing us to stay indoors. This affected people in varying degrees. Some people lost their wages, livelihood and some people lost their jobs too. Those of us who were ‘privileged’ was able to work from the comfort of our home. Compelled to learn through online modes, students who did not have the adequate facilities had no other choice but to drop out. This battle of privilege made me grateful for what I have.